Sunday, September 11, 2005

Package from in Germany!

More yarn! It was three weeks ago I ordered and finally on thursday the yarn had reached my postoffice!

I love it! It is more Opal 10 balls of Indigo 220, 10 balls of Indigo 226 and 8 balls of lollipop 1015.
This package came from Anja Bünger-Der Faden and She had some very good prices on the Indigo yarn, I almost bought all she had.
These Indigo is such a perfect colorway for me. Blue with a some hints of turkuise and purple.
As you can see one ball is missing already. This is where it is:

You have to have your hands occupied not to get sinfull thoughts they said in parts of scandinavia in the past. We are on our way to pick lingonberries. The little one walked all the way by himself without any complains! He is such a sweet one.
And here is a closeup at the result. I do love the short colorchanges in this yarn.

Wristwarmer to be

I think Indigo would make a perfect pair of Feather and fan socks. It would be like Waves on the sea.


Anonymous said...

Hejsan Eva!

Kanske du kommer ihåg mig. Vi har träffats I Alkula gården, när vi hade kantoliina-tapaaminen. Jag är Ainos mamma, Minna.

Och nu möter jag dig genom din blog. Kanske vi skulle ordna en neuletapaaminen här i Vasa. Jag känner till många som skulle delta i möte.

Skick mig @mail, om du är intresserade

Becky said...

Hello Eva,
I found your link on the Opal Chatters site. What a nice blog you have! Your friend's jacket is lovely.
Thank you for sharing the pictures. Your little boy is adorable. I hope you picked lots of wonderful, fresh lingonberries!

Carola said...

What a multi-tasking knitter you are! And a wise choice to knit indigo while picking berries - you do get blue fingers all the time, isn't it?
I tracked you back from the comment you left on my blog on how to repair socks. Very helpful tips, thank you so much! The idea to knit a new foot is great, I can already see me playing with colour and it needs only one (50g) skein. Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

Anonymous said...

Hej! Jag älskar bilden på dig när du stickar i skogen. Den gör mig alldeles glad, du ser underbar ut!
Hälsningar Anna