Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lacy Purple Wristwarmers

Made the last rows on wednesday night and sew them up, My Purple Wristwarmers. They started as a test on adding lace frills to a garterstich wristwarmer and I think they turned out fine. I was a bit concerned that they were too frilly but after using them biking to work and in the office I came to the conclusion they are perfect.

You can see on my big smile I like my wristwarmers and that I drink alot of tea, about 2 litres a day.

Below a closeup while knitting on a scarf in the same yarn as I used in the wristwarmers.
I almost always use circular needles, also when I knit back and forward. I find it more relaxing on my arms and shoulders and much safer when knitting in the car or in the sofa with a jumping toddler all around.


Garngamen said...

Skitsnygga! Verkligen! Great! Glad att du är glad!

Visa Lisa said...

Vilken otroligt söt bild! Både på dig och på muddarna! Det var ett leende som räckte ända hit! Tokfina muddar!

StickLena =KnitLena said...

Många muddar har jag sett, men inga så vackra som dina. Smilet var smittande...

Anonymous said...

Jättegulliga muddar. Sjalen var också snygg+ leendet

Catherine Kerth said...

they are so fantastic!

Maggan said...

Dom var jättefina!! Jag tycker absolut du ska skryta om dom!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Vadå skryt, rena rama sanningen:-)

Urläckra med andra ord!