Sunday, June 26, 2005

It's getting closer - Det närmar sig

I'm on my way to Estonia!

I'll be there for 7 days together with 85 other ladies( one man I think ) who all will be knitting, both workshops and own projects I guess.

So what has this slowknitter been up to when she has not opdated her blog for two weeks? Ahh, knitting of course. As much as possible but... Working and having a family takes it's time too.
I can gladly announce that my woolen wraparound sweater is ready. I made the last seams last night.
As suspected the result does not look the same on me as on the tiny model. No sweater can hide those X:es infront of the size.
And the boobs! I used to have tiny ones and I liked that! Well this is me of today, no lies, the whole truth.
One detail that did not turn out well is the sholders. The sweater is far to big there. Othervise I'm quite happy with the sweater but next sweater will be of a looser fit.


I have franatically been working on a clapotis the last two weeks and it's almost ready. I think I have to make the finnishing touch in Estonia but I am so close, so very, very close. It's just I have to concentrate on packing today. knitting has to wait. The decreeses are already started.

You might see (the pictures are soo small) that I don't use any markers. Instead I purl betweent the two twisted knits.
I have never used stichmarkers and in this case where you are supposed to drop the stiches, it realy does not matter how you knitt the stiches to be droped.
Neither have I droped the stiches far jet, I want to see the compplete trasformation at once. So I have to wait...

Clapotis to be


very close

So in 8 days or so, I'll report from the "Nordic Knitting Symposium 2005" and tell you all about it.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

My first Opal sock - First sock on long cirkular needles

There is sometimes benefits with buisnesstrips...
Such as, you can knit in peace on the train, hotell and this time I also knitted walking around in Tampere!
This was my very first sock knitted in Opal sock yarn. I realy love the yarn, I think Markno design where I ordered the yarn could confirm in this statement, where I purchased a lot of Opal the last month.

I used the same lace pattern as on the last pair of socks, you can find the pattern here:
I have though disovered that it is wiser to follow your instinct rather than a pattern. In most patterns on opal sock the recomended stiches to cast on was 56. My instinct said that I should cast on 72 stiches, on 2.5mm needles, but to compromise I casted on 64.
This decition I regret now. The sock became a little tight and the cast on too hard.
I cant decide if I should use 3mm needles or 72 stiches in the next pair.

Wrap around coming up...

All parts are ready and blocked. The knitted pieces bacame so soft and, and wonderful after blocking.
Have been on a buisnesstrip and a summer party so there has been no time putting the pieces together. I hope that will be accomplished today. I'll have some photos to show soon

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Wrap around sweater soon to be

Moda 2004/5.
Posted by Hello
If you take the yarn from the ufo in my last post, mix it with this wraparoun sweater, take the XL size, shorten the arms with some 2cm, lengthen the body with 20cm, add a few extra stiches over the hips, make some more waist decreeses and finally add some shortrows over the bust, add my bad knolledge of finnish (the pattern is written in finnish) you will end up with the sweater soon to be. :)

What made me do all these changes? Well I read knittys latest issue. Thinking beyond the pattern ... but will it fit?.
It made me realise that in the size and figure I come with at the moment all clothes are too short in my liking and if there is no shortrows over the bust and decreeses in the waist clothes look realy awful on me.
The progress has gone in my measurement fast, that is I only have the last front pice left and then blocking and sewing. I started 4 weeks ago with size 5,5mm needles but after about 20cm on the back I realized I needed larger needles. I bought new 6mm needles (I'm not used to knit with these big needles and had none in the size 6mm). Still to thin needles and by a lucky star I found a pair of 7mm needles that were perfect. In all I think the real knitting process has been in 3weeks so far. So next week, in the middle of the summer I'll have a thick woolen wraparound sweater. ;)
A good thing that summers often are cold here, ;) .